4.9 out of 5 stars. Over 2,300 verified reviews on all SnoreRx products


The original custom-fitted adjustable anti-snoring device. SnoreRx props your jaw forward to open your airway and prevent snoring. Fitting handle included.
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  • 30-Night Money-back Guarantee ?
  • Dental Lab Quality Design ?
  • Made in USA
Customized to your bite Customized to your bite
Fully adjustable Fully adjustable
Physician recommended Physician-recommended
Cleared by the FDA FDA Cleared

The anti-snoring solution trusted by thousands

Silence the snore with SnoreRx, the original adjustable mandibular advancement device.

Customized to Your Bite

SnoreRx's proprietary Thermal Matrix® material helps you create the perfect fit. The result? A lightweight anti-snoring device that stays put and lets you sleep in comfort.

See How it Works ->

Fully Adjustable

SnoreRx is a one-of-a-kind anti-snoring device because it's the only one that lets you adjust it with clinical precision for the most effective function.

Advance your SnoreRx by one millimeter as needed at any time. We recommend you start using SnoreRx at the original 1-millimeter setting and adjust it by one millimeter every 2-3 nights until the snoring stops.


You don't have to choose between sleeping quietly and sleeping comfortably. With its slim and lightweight design, SnoreRx lets you do both.

The boil-and-bite fitting process allows you to create a custom impression of your teeth on the device so that it stays snugly in place while you sleep. This simple five-minute fitting process helps you customize your device and (finally) enjoy a good night's rest.

Stop the snore, or your money back.

We offer our 30-Night 100% Money-Back Guarantee when you purchase SnoreRx from our website at www.snorerx.com. Try SnoreRx risk free for 30 nights to see if it works for you.

Get SnoreRx

SnoreRx Reviews

Discover why SnoreRx is “life-changing.”

jshilt635 out of 5 stars

Works great, it fits well and is comfortable to wear all night. My past devices always caused me to drool and I had to take it out before the night was over. My wife also says this one works much better at reducing my snoring.

Julio5 out of 5 stars

Wow! It took me a bit to get used to a mouth piece. Once I did, my snoring went away. Using a snoring app to record my sleep, it showed me a big difference in how the mouth piece open my airway and stop the buzz saw that is my snoring.

Shawn Fenemore5 out of 5 stars

I have not snored a single night when I wear the device. It is comfortable and does not affect my ability to fall asleep. I would recommend this to anyone who is dealing with snoring.

John5 out of 5 stars

Great product, stopped my snoring, wife is now happy and sleeping.

SnoreGangster4 out of 5 stars

My wife was like SnoreGangster, I’m sick of your snoring. Then I was like mind your business devil woman. It’s what makes me gangster. Then she said get a C-papsmear or else I want a divorce. I said well bring it on then. Let’s get a dovorce! Th...

Marco4 out of 5 stars

Better results than my CPAP to reduce snoring and improved sleep.

John Kearns5 out of 5 stars

Cured my snoring, great product. Great

Dave Orecchia5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I can’t believe how well this product works! I’m so glad that I chose to buy this. I had tried this once in the past and did not allow myself to get used to the product. So it didn’t work. However, I let my body (mouth) get used to it and I...

Sherri5 out of 5 stars

I was skeptical but it works. I don’t snore anymore. It takes a little getting used to but It doesn’t even bother me now

jeffb5 out of 5 stars

I was very surprised that this worked. The mechanics sound a little unbelievable, but now I'm convinced. Simply moving my jaw forward and keeping my tongue in place really does minimize my snoring and my wife is very pleased! I recommend highly!

Verified Buyer
5 out of 5 stars May 30, 2024
Works great, it fits
Works great, it fits well and is comfortable to wear all night. My past devices always caused me to drool and I had to take it out before the night was over. My wife also says this one works much better at reducing my snoring.
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Verified Buyer
5 out of 5 stars May 28, 2024
Wow! It took me
Wow! It took me a bit to get used to a mouth piece. Once I did, my snoring went away. Using a snoring app to record my sleep, it showed me a big difference in how the mouth piece open my airway and stop the buzz saw that is my snoring.
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Shawn Fenemore
Verified Buyer
5 out of 5 stars May 26, 2024
I have not snored
I have not snored a single night when I wear the device. It is comfortable and does not affect my ability to fall asleep. I would recommend this to anyone who is dealing with snoring.
SnoreRx Team
Thank you for the great feedback! We're delighted to hear that SnoreRx has made a difference for you. Sleep well!
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Verified Buyer
5 out of 5 stars May 26, 2024
Great product, stopped my
Great product, stopped my snoring, wife is now happy and sleeping.
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Verified Buyer
4 out of 5 stars May 26, 2024
My wife was like
My wife was like SnoreGangster, I’m sick of your snoring. Then I was like mind your business devil woman. It’s what makes me gangster. Then she said get a C-papsmear or else I want a divorce. I said well bring it on then. Let’s get a dovorce! Then I felt kinda bad and found this mouth guard. She said ok let’s try it. It worked. But the little hole dries out my throat and you need to put on some chap stick before bed because you can’t do that little LL Cool J lip licking with that thing on your grill.
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Verified Buyer
4 out of 5 stars May 25, 2024
Better results than my
Better results than my CPAP to reduce snoring and improved sleep.
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John Kearns
Verified Buyer
5 out of 5 stars May 23, 2024
Cured my snoring, great
Cured my snoring, great product. Great
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Dave Orecchia
Verified Buyer
5 out of 5 stars May 23, 2024
Hi, I can’t believe how
Hi, I can’t believe how well this product works! I’m so glad that I chose to buy this. I had tried this once in the past and did not allow myself to get used to the product. So it didn’t work. However, I let my body (mouth) get used to it and I have not slept this well in years, probably since I was a teenager or younger! For the past 6 or 7 years I woke up multiple times to urinate, which I learned from a 2nd opinion from a different Urologist was due to my obstructive sleep apnea. I tried Cpap in the past and that didn’t work either. Cpap didn’t work this time as well. I looked at reviews for mouth guards and SnoreRX had the best reviews. It helped that I had tried it in the past. I now sleep through the night (6-7 hrs) and combined with losing weight I feel better than I have in a long time. Thank you for this product! -Dave Orecchia
SnoreRx Team
Hi Dave,, thank you for sharing your amazing story! We're thrilled to hear that SnoreRx has made such a significant difference in your sleep and overall well-being. Here's to many more restful nights!
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Verified Buyer
5 out of 5 stars May 23, 2024
I was skeptical but
I was skeptical but it works. I don’t snore anymore. It takes a little getting used to but It doesn’t even bother me now
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Verified Buyer
5 out of 5 stars May 23, 2024
I was very surprised
I was very surprised that this worked. The mechanics sound a little unbelievable, but now I'm convinced. Simply moving my jaw forward and keeping my tongue in place really does minimize my snoring and my wife is very pleased! I recommend highly!
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